[WikiEN-l] Please change your passwords.

Marc Riddell michaeldavid86 at comcast.net
Wed May 9 00:35:55 UTC 2007

> On 08/05/07, Matthew Brown <morven at gmail.com> wrote:
>> We're not professional.  Except for a tiny bunch of people who work
>> for the Foundation, we're all volunteers and our time is not
>> especially coordinated.  Wikipedia is what it is, and part of that is
>> that we've grown faster than our organization has.
>> -Matt
>> on 5/8/07 8:03 PM, Zoney at zoney.ie at gmail.com wrote:

> The project should be managed professionally if it is indeed a serious
> project. Otherwise it's all just a bit of a larf and it'll eventually come
> crashing down.

Yes! And anyone not seeing this is either not paying attention, or is living
the very definition of denial.

Marc Riddell

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