[WikiEN-l] Encrypted challenge-responses for PGP/GPG key users

Todd Allen toddmallen at gmail.com
Tue May 8 23:48:41 UTC 2007

On 5/8/07, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 08/05/07, Avi <avi.wiki at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Which is why at most this would be signed level 2.
> > I'm not saying that I would give level 3, but between the
> > Thoughts?
> On distrusting distrust:
> http://reddragdiva.livejournal.com/110312.html
> Reflux on distrusting distrust:
> http://reddragdiva.livejournal.com/110634.html
> Webs of trust protect security like DRM locks up Hollywood's
> preciouussssss. Take care not to sell yourself snake oil.
> - d.
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Ah, but there's the difference. In something like this, you really do
have an Alice, Bob, and Eve. In the case of Hollywood's precioussssss,
Bob -is- Eve. That's what makes their scheme cryptographically
impossible. But when you've got someone you don't give the key to
(however black-boxed it may be), and don't want to have it, you do
stand a decent chance of keeping them locked out.

Freedom is the right to know that 2+2=4. From this all else follows.

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