[WikiEN-l] Encyclopedia of Life

Keith Old keithold at gmail.com
Tue May 8 21:10:17 UTC 2007


Associated Press is reporting on plans to establish an Encyclopedia of Life
combining what is known about every known living species.


In a whale-sized project, the world's scientists plan to compile everything
they know about all of Earth's 1.8 million known species and put it all on
one Web site, open to everyone.

The effort, called the Encyclopedia of Life, will include species
descriptions, pictures, maps, videos, sound, sightings by amateurs, and
links to entire genomes and scientific journal papers. Its first pages of
information will be shown Wednesday in Washington where the massive effort
is being announced by some of the world's leading institutions. The project
will take about 10 years to finish.

"It's an interactive zoo," said James Edwards, who will be the
encyclopedia's executive director. Edwards currently helps run a global
biodiversity information system.

If the new encyclopedia progresses as planned, it should fill about 300
million pages, which, if lined up end-to-end, would be more than 52,000
miles long, able to stretch twice around the world at the equator.

Two foundations have given $12.5 million to pay for the first 2 1/2 years of
the massive effort, but it will be free and accessible to everyone.
More in story.

I wonder what its licensing arrangements are or will be.


Keith Old

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