[WikiEN-l] Please change your passwords.

Earle Martin wikipedia at downlode.org
Tue May 8 12:24:22 UTC 2007

On 08/05/07, Marc Riddell <michaeldavid86 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Same thread - different question. This message has been placed on my Watch
> List Page: "For your own security, please choose a secure password."

It also says "...or see this guide for help..." where "this guide" is
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_leave_your_fly_open . I think
that's a remarkably stupid name for something that's going to appear
on the top of everyone's watchlist. It clearly marks out Wikipedia as
being dominated by tactless male geeks who have difficulty with
understanding appropriate social interaction, which is an image we
should be doing our best to move away from at high speed.

Earle Martin

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