[WikiEN-l] That random number

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Mon May 7 15:25:23 UTC 2007

On 5/7/07, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Should we get into a metaphysical discussion of whether or not one has
> > the ability to do something that is never going to happen?
> How sure are you that it will never happen? **AA have sued plenty of
> people for things that no-one in their right mind would ever believe
> was illegal - suing Fedex isn't that big a leap.
I'm fairly certain.  Basically, the chance that you shouldn't trust my
opinion on the matter far outweighs my own estimation that something
so absurd is going to happen.

And please note that I'm specifically talking about the chances the
**AA are going to sue the WMF for hosting a mailing list wherein some
people happened to leak the key, without at least giving them an
opportunity to take it out of the archives and avoid a lawsuit.  The
chances the WMF will get sued over the stuff going on at the website
is much greater, though still small in my humble non-expert opinion.

I dispute your statement that "**AA have sued plenty of people for
things that no-one in their right mind would ever believe was
illegal".  They've made plenty of mistakes of fact, and plenty more
mistakes of law, but I haven't yet seen them initiate lawsuits which
were completely outside the realm of sanity.  And that's what I
consider the notion of suing Fedex if I ship the key through their
service to be.


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