[WikiEN-l] You're magically made an admin. What do you do?

Gabe Johnson gjzilla at gmail.com
Mon May 7 13:55:22 UTC 2007

On 5/7/07, Ron Ritzman <ritzman at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is something I thought about after the latest Main page deletion.
> You go to a local library, webcafe, or kiosk to do something on
> Wikipedia and find yourself logged in to somebody else's administrator
> account.
> What are you tempted to do?
> What do you actually do?
> What I'm tempted to do, delete the administrator's noticeboard with
> the comment "I'm a moron who forgets to log out from public terminals,
> please LART me".
> What I actually do. Log his stupid ass out, log in as myself and send
> him a polite and civil email telling him what happened and to be
> careful next time. If email is not enabled, leave same message on his
> talk page for all the world to see.
Saw the subject line and thought it was for me personally. :-)

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