[WikiEN-l] That random number

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Sun May 6 03:05:03 UTC 2007

Excessive avoidance of activities that are not likely to result in legal 
troubles, but which some people irrationally fear might, is pretty much 
the definition of "chilling effects" style paranoia.

Seriously, do you think *mailing list archives*, and 
non-search-engine-indexed ones at that, are actually illegal?  It's not 
even clear that such archives legally constitute publication, and 
certainly they are far less high profile than many other sources that 
have *not* been held legally accountable in any way, such as Google's 
own archives, or Wired's explicit publication.


daniwo59 at aol.com wrote:
> It's unfortunate when not wanting to break the law is considered paranoia. 
> Danny
> In a message dated 5/5/2007 10:51:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  
> delirium at hackish.org writes:
> Are you  going to suggest we purge all emails that ever mentioned 
> potential libels,  too, in all the arguments over WP:OFFICE?  Rather than 
> imagining that  the sky will fall, imagine the consequences of excessive  
> paranoia.

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