[WikiEN-l] Press coverage listing the HD-DVD key

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Fri May 4 22:46:25 UTC 2007

Gregory Maxwell wrote:
> On 5/4/07, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
>> However, I am far from convinced we would lose,
> *sigh*. I give up.
> From now on I'm going to make you deal with every case where someone
> thinks we could get away with doing some unnecessary and illegal act
> X.

The problem is that it's not at all clear that this act is illegal; it 
would only become clear if, say, _Wired_ were taken to court and lost.  
That's the crux of the dispute over whether we should include this 
information or not.  As is the case with libel, there's a balance 
between wanting to avoid breaking the law on the one hand, and being so 
excessively cautious that we remove information that is both useful and 
legal to publish, on the other.


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