[WikiEN-l] HD DVD key and the spam blacklist

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Fri May 4 22:42:45 UTC 2007

On 5/4/07, Todd Allen <toddmallen at gmail.com> wrote:
>  And
> the last I checked, child porn wasn't being printed in everything from
> Wired to the New York Times.

Even ignoring all other factors, the penalties for willful violation
probably aren't great enough to stop them. Even without factoring in
the (im)probability that they'd get nailed for it, it's probably cheap
enough to do it.. just another cost of doing business.

> And yes, we -can- cover the topic without using the number, in the
> same way we -could- cover the speed of light without putting what it
> is. But either one would be incomplete.

There is *tons* of useful things you can not do without an accurate
figure of the speed of light. Tons of things you can't understand
without at least a good approximate figure for the speed of light.

There is one thing you can't do without the exact AACS key, and that
one thing is not legal in the US.

> Only one, however, involves
> caving to bullies.

I might attack your character and your motivations for taking the
position you've taken... but I believe that you have done a fine job
of that yourself.

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