[WikiEN-l] Press coverage listing the HD-DVD key

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Fri May 4 20:25:03 UTC 2007

On 04/05/07, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5/4/07, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Now, I'd like you to think what Wikipedia and Wikimedia could do in
> > response should thugs with money really try such an odious attack on

> You tell 'em David!
> Yea! and those evil thugs at Microsoft!  We'll name the darn windows

[snip straw man]

Greg, I'm saying that we can do the obvious encyclopedic thing and
likely have not a peep from the AACS LA once they spend a few weeks
exhausting their ability to put the worms back in the can.

I gave an example off the top of my head of why we are far from being
anywhere near as powerless as you seem to be assuming. Creative
brainstorming on possible counterattacks would likely come up with an
incredible variety. All of which could be absolutely and obviously in
complete accordance with Wikipedia's mission to write an encyclopedia
and Wikimedia's mission to do whatever's in [[m:Mission/Unstable]]

I don't consider a fight a good option. However, I don't consider that
being unencyclopedic for fear of thugs is a necessary action to avoid
a fight.

The mainstream of American don't give a hoot about Digg, but they have
actually heard of Wikipedia and use it.

- d.

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