[WikiEN-l] Press coverage listing the HD-DVD key

Anthony wikilegal at inbox.org
Fri May 4 18:46:19 UTC 2007

On 5/4/07, George Herbert <george.herbert at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5/4/07, Anthony <wikilegal at inbox.org> wrote:
> > Just to point out, we're here to write a FREE encyclopedia.  If it
> > turns out the **AA goons are going to successfully sue into oblivion
> > anyone distributing the encyclopedia, then there's a good argument the
> > encyclopedia is no longer free.
> Look, don't be ridiculous.  It's not the case that we're transitioning
> from a state where it would be legal for us to post anything we want
> to completely unrestricted, to one where suddenly there are now
> restrictions.
Look, don't call me ridiculous and then make a comment that has
nothing to do with the quote you present.

> There have always been restrictions.  We couldn't legally post Child
> Porn images to illustrate the article on it.  We don't let people
> publish BLP libel or unfounded statements.  We don't publish a
> life-size scan of a dollar bill on the Dollar page (it's about 1.5x
> "real size", presumably due to the size related restrictions).  We
> don't have actual detailed nuclear bomb plans up on [[Nuclear weapon
> design]] article.
> There have been no crusades to overturn those restrictions.
Of course not, and there shouldn't be.  You seem to be reading
something into my post that isn't there.

> We are an organization that would be in terrible trouble if sued for
> statutory damages for a thousand infractions of DMCA.
> Please don't oversimplify this to a white and black case.
Please retract that comment, as I have done no such thing.

still posing as wikilegal, because wikimail is still moderated.

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