[WikiEN-l] Press coverage listing the HD-DVD key

Fred Bauder fredbaud at waterwiki.info
Fri May 4 13:03:12 UTC 2007

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Anthony [mailto:wikilegal at inbox.org]
>Sent: Friday, May 4, 2007 06:25 AM
>To: 'English Wikipedia'
>Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Press coverage listing the HD-DVD key
>On 5/3/07, Todd Allen <toddmallen at gmail.com> wrote:
>> For god's sake, the NYT -is- a publisher, and they linked to it all
>> over their official blog. You think their lawyers would have let them
>> do that, if there were any significant degree of risk?
>Obviously they think the benefits outweigh the risks.  But what does
>this have to do with my comment?

The New York Times can afford to put out a few hundred thousand dollars for legal fees and maybe pay a nominal fine should they lose. They have billions in assets. It's just a cost of doing business.


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