[WikiEN-l] HD DVD key mess - OFFICE/Foundation?

Ken Arromdee arromdee at rahul.net
Wed May 2 19:52:04 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2 May 2007, George Herbert wrote:
> > > I think that the number is of questionable notability.  99.9999% of
> > > the people who see it aren't going to go code up a DVD player.  For
> > > anyone else, it's purely a trivial point.
> >
> > 99.999% of people who are told the aphelion distance of Mars to eight
> > significant digits aren't going to use it in any fashion whatsoever, let
> > alone use the eighth decimal place.  So?
> That can't possibly be true.  At least 5% of the people I know closely
> do or have done interplanetary trajectory work.

I highly doubt those people took the value from Wikipedia to use in their
work.  They got it from some other source.

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