[WikiEN-l] Category destruction

Marc Riddell michaeldavid86 at comcast.net
Wed May 2 16:44:24 UTC 2007

> On 5/1/07, Marc Riddell <michaeldavid86 at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Andrew,
>> Do you, personally, use the current WP categorization system?

> on 5/2/07 11:09 AM, cohesion at cohesion at sleepyhead.org wrote:

> To answer a question not addressed to me, I use it constantly, but
> they are all template driven date-based work queues or image license
> categories.


OK, that's fine. If you are getting what you need - that's what matters.

My needs are a bit different. Repeating (for the upteenth time :-)): Joe
Smith died from Cancer; specifically, liver cancer. I want to be able to
call up all of the persons who died from cancer, then call up all who died
from liver cancer - two separate searches - two separate lists. As WP is
constructed now, to do this, both the Categories "Cancer" and "Liver cancer"
must be entered in Joe's Article. It's really not that complicated.
Sidebar: (You wrote, above "To answer a question not addressed to me") I
like to address the person I am responding to by name because I feel it adds
a touch of personal acknowledgment of that person. Your jumping in to add
your view is terrific. Imagine we were in a room with a group of people and
someone asked you a question. You are very probably going to turn to look at
them and answer. I'm also in the room. When you are finished answering the
person's question, if I wanted to add something, or give my own perspective
to the question, I would jump right in and speak. I would be speaking to you
directly, and you would most likely turn to look at me. Or, I may just speak
to the group in general. That's how I see the group interaction on this
List. I see the List as a continuous Community Meeting, with people coming
and going, and each entering and exiting the various conversations in
progress, or starting a new one; each being a part of what's being said, and
each having some small stake in what's being discussed. That's Community to


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