[WikiEN-l] HD DVD key mess - OFFICE/Foundation?

Jeff Raymond jeff.raymond at internationalhouseofbacon.com
Wed May 2 14:32:46 UTC 2007

Anthony wrote:

> An admin who incorrectly considers something "blatantly illegal" when
> it actually is not can always be deadminned later.

Yes, it's so easy to get abusive admins removed, after all.

Oh, wait...


Name: Jeff Raymond
E-mail: jeff.raymond at internationalhouseofbacon.com
WWW: http://www.internationalhouseofbacon.com
IM: badlydrawnjeff
Quote: "I was always a fan of Lisa Loeb, particularly
	because you kind of get the impression she
	sang every song either about or to her cats.
	They seem to be the driving force in most of
	her creative process."     - Chuck Klosterman

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