[WikiEN-l] HD DVD key mess - OFFICE/Foundation?

Rich Holton richholton at gmail.com
Wed May 2 14:11:38 UTC 2007

Stephen Bain wrote:
> On 5/2/07, Ken Arromdee <arromdee at rahul.net> wrote:
>> I was under the impression that the process by which the "Foundation [asks] us
>> to remove it on sight" is a WP:OFFICE action.  There certainly doesn't seem
>> to be one listed on [[WP:OFFICE]]; and nobody has claimed there is one; I must
>> conclude that the Foundation has not asked us to remove it on sight.
> No, the Foundation can intervene whenever they see fit. Office actions
> are only for when, for whatever reason, the Foundation people can't do
> it themselves or aren't in the best position to do so, and so they
> delegate.

This seems to be in direct contradiction with what David Gerard just 
wrote. Frankly, I'm under the impression that David's got it right. 
Seems like OFFICE is used when the Foundation wants it to be very clear 
and public that it was indeed a mandate from the Foundation. There are 
good reasons to want to accomplish things with a lower profile.


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