[WikiEN-l] Why aren't *all* wikia.com links restricted under nofollow?

Blu Aardvark jeffrey.latham at gmail.com
Tue May 1 21:26:33 UTC 2007

I just don't see it as a conflict of interest.

I see it as a conflict of interest that the founder of a popular online 
encyclopedia uses his status to push a for-profit endeavor of his. I see 
it as a conflict of interest that the software behind Wikia was 
initially developed for Wikipedia (yes, I know MediaWiki != Wikimedia, 
but one cannot deny their relationship). But I *do not* see the presence 
of Wikia on the interwiki map to be a huge conflict of interest, except 
in the sense that Wikia is only "notable" because it was founded by a 
notable person.

Wikia is among hundreds of prefixes available on the interwiki map, and 
very few - actually, close to none - have any relationship to Wikipedia 
or its founder.

Rich Holton wrote:
> I still don't understand the resistance to making all non-Foundation 
> sites no-follow. The fact that people disagree with the idea, but are 
> providing no rational reason, only encourages the perception that there 
> *is* conflict of interest in the current situation.
> Let me emphasize: perception is important in this issue.
> -Rich

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