[WikiEN-l] deleting unsourced articles ..... gradually

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Sat Mar 31 14:16:36 UTC 2007

On 31 Mar 2007 at 13:06, doc <doc.wikipedia at ntlworld.com> wrote:

> 2) introducing a strong quality threshold, where we don't include, or 
> swiftly delete, articles that aren't currently up to it. Yes, in theory 
> they can be fixed, and if someone is actually willing to do it, then 
> fine; but most wont be fixed and should not hang around 'because in an 
> ideal wiki we'd fix them'

But if you cut off the bottom few rungs of a ladder, then nobody will 
ever be able to climb it.  There may be a lot of topics on which 
there will some day be a really great article if you let somebody 
start with a crappy article, and others improve into a slightly less 
crappy article, and so on.  If you have unreasonably high standards 
from the start, then no article will even get started.

> We need a reality check here, folks.

Perhaps your reality check just bounced... :-)

== Dan ==
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