[WikiEN-l] Bauer DRV question - history (was Wikimedia Foundation sued)

Philip Sandifer snowspinner at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 14:08:17 UTC 2007

On Mar 27, 2007, at 8:21 AM, Cary Bass wrote:

> Blog entries are bad sources and BLP violations.  They should never be
> used as source material in a biography.  They are not news.  A great
> portion of this article was derived and sourced from blog entries.   
> The
> history was restored and has been available again for some hours.

I really wish the Office representatives would stop advocating  
flagrantly bad sourcing practices.

The blog, in this case, is a blog from one of the most important  
editors in science fiction and fantasy. Her words do not suddenly  
become lower quality sources because she typed them through Blogger  

There are a horde of people who will take this statement and attempt  
to apply it to the letter, and in the process break a bunch of  
articles. Really, guys. Choose your words more carefully and think.  
It's like nobody up there has even read the numerous discussions of  
the problems with citation/sourcing fever we've had here.


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