[WikiEN-l] Citizendium to launch this week

Daniel P. B. Smith wikipedia2006 at dpbsmith.com
Tue Mar 27 11:02:46 UTC 2007

>> On 3/25/07, Ron Ritzman <ritzman at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> This part of their policy is almost funny seeing how much we all  
>>> just
>>> "love" WP:TLAs
>>> "No initialisms. The Policy pages of the Citizendium may not contain
>>> any three-letter "initialisms." For example, "IAR," "NOR," and "AFD"
>>> are three letter initialisms. These expressions are a considerable
>>> problem for new users who are unfamiliar with them. The first time a
>>> user introduces such an expression in a policy page, he/she will be
>>> warned and the expression removed. The second time a user repeats  
>>> this
>>> offense, he will be banned for a suitable amount of time.?
>> I look forward to seeing what sort of private jargon they wind up
>> developing -- and if they realize that they've done so.  Initialisms
>> are the English Wikipedia's jargon.

Conservapedia doesn't have any objection to initialisms as such, but  
they've adopted one--VSA for Very Short Article--in order to avoid  
calling them stubs, i.e. to be different from Wikipedia for the sake  
of difference.

The template which expands into "This article has been identified as  
having problems with length, content and/or style, and is therefore  
classified as a Very Short Article (VSA)..." is... wait for it...


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