[WikiEN-l] Just what *is* Jimbo's role anyway?

ScottL scott at mu.org
Fri Mar 23 21:13:04 UTC 2007

geni wrote:
> On 3/21/07, Steve Bennett <stevagewp at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 3) What is Jimbo's position as an editor on Wikipedia? Does he have
>> the right to ignore consensus? What happens if people disregard his
>> right? Can he confer this right on others? How do we distinguish
>> between Jimbo as normal editor and Jimbo as editor with godlike
>> powers?
>> 4) Does Jimbo have a leadership position, and if so, of what? Whom
>> does he lead? In what way? Is that leadership contestable?
> Jimbo's power is due mostly to the community accepting his pronouncements

   Is this an honest assessment?  Could a non-admin (or even a single 
admin) go against him and not get banned?  Honestly?  That is not a 
measure of respect or even deference except perhaps by a majority of admins.


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