[WikiEN-l] Why cutting'n'pasting from Wikipedia is not a good idea

wikipedia2006 at dpbsmith.com wikipedia2006 at dpbsmith.com
Tue Mar 13 16:31:11 UTC 2007

> From: "MacGyverMagic/Mgm" <macgyvermagic at gmail.com>

> A professional company that doesn't proofread their work?
> I could understand it if they had used Wikipedia info and missed some sneaky
> vandalism, but copying wholesale without checking it is inexcusable. They
> deserve what they got.

There's no excuse for anyone leaving their keys in the ignition when they exit their car, but I'm glad that mine beeps a warning whenever I^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h

There's no excuse for anyone leaving their keys in the ignition when they exit their car, but I'm glad that according to the owner's manual, if, hypothetically, my wife were to do so, it would beep a warning at her.

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