[WikiEN-l] Almeda University paying for positive Wikipedia edits

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Tue Mar 13 01:29:44 UTC 2007

Steve Bennett wrote:

>On 3/13/07, Jake Nelson <duskwave at gmail.com> wrote:
>>My thought is to require a central list, and anyone who's being paid
>>to edit Wikipedia needs to be registered on that list with username,
>>who's paying them to edit, and the reason that they are being paid to
>>do this.
>I would keep the requirements not too onerous. We *want* them to
>disclose what they're doing, because they're going to do it anyway. So
>ask them nicely to register themselves. Then quietly keep on eye on
>them, and just revert them whenever they violate our policies,
I've been around too long not to be worried about those of our 
colleagues who believe that firing squads are a pre-trial solution.

>The whole idea here is that when they turn some crappy stub into a
>longer article, it may certainly be slanted towards their viewpoint.
>But it's a lot easier to just deslant it, than it would have been to
>write it from scratch. So we let them build it slanted - and when
>they're finished, we just gently nudge it upright. They do all the
>hard work. We get the benefit.
There's a lot of perfectly neutral information that companies can give 
us: Who's on the Board of Directors, where they have facilities, what 
they produce, technical specifications of their products, ...


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