On 3/6/07, Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman@spamcop.net wrote:
On Tue, 6 Mar 2007 15:59:50 -0700, "Rob Smith" nobs03@gmail.com wrote:
I thought it was conservatives who wanted to take away peoples rights.
Always baffles me, how the need for a well-regulated militia equates in some people's minds to the right to pack heat at all times :-)
You never know when a thundering herd of pot-smoking, tie-dyed, long-haired, single-payer healthcare peace activists will ride over the horizon, gunning for you with their trippy new-age music and lousy Jerry Garcia concert tapes blaring.
Ya gotta be prepared, man. A real man could die from that music. We should have blasted off and nuked California from orbit a long time ago.