[WikiEN-l] Rename admins to janitors

The Cunctator cunctator at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 14:39:16 UTC 2007

On 3/6/07, Erik Moeller <erik at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> I'm sick and tired of people misunderstanding what an "administrator"
> of Wikipedia is. It was a misnomer to begin with, and we've had
> nothing but trouble with this name ever since. Users misunderstand it
> (and ask admins to make editorial decisions). Media misunderstand it
> (and either do not explain it, or connect it to power and influence).
> And it's no wonder. "Administrator" could refer to a manager, or
> someone appointed by a court; it typically describes someone in an
> important official position.

Better even than changing the name would be changing the rules. Let people
get admin rights automagically -- see, for example, the suggestion to pick
100 random users who have been around for a while without any trouble and
give them admin rights.

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