[WikiEN-l] Tightening the "do no harm" screws.

Joe Szilagyi szilagyi at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 15:51:20 UTC 2007

BLP idea:

Negative or contentious facts should not be in a BLP article unless more
than one unrelated source covers it. That would keep the one-note negative
crap right out. Apply notability standards to *facts*, not just topics. Ben
Affleck had a nasty divorce from Jennifer Lopez: Notable, lots of sources.
Keep. Ben Affleck did x, y, or z illegal thing to J-Lo, reported by one
otherwise "good" or acceptable source. No other independent coverage.
Exclude ferociously. The base notion is that while some people may be
'notable', not all they do is, or can be. What George Bush for example does
in private at the Crawford ranch, outside his official duties, is not
inherently notable--unless society makes it so. We don't get to decide on
that either; we report. By that token, we can choose to not include facts
that aren't corroborated and multiply sourced that are of a negative or
contentious tone.

Good idea, or bad?


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