[WikiEN-l] Why are veterans so militant of late; The Future. (was Bus Uncle)

The Mangoe the.mangoe at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 19:48:19 UTC 2007

On 6/6/07, Andrew Gray <shimgray at gmail.com> wrote:
> And so we end up with... well, groups of people who just appear to
> inhabit a different project, who came here thinking this was an
> experiment in online democracy or a neat social-networking site or a
> place to strike a blow against The Man, *and were never convinced
> otherwise*. By the time any group of different initial assumptions has
> grown large and old enough it looks like the old guard to new users,
> then the project's governance and culture is heading in interesting
> directions.

Well, by the time I came along there was definitely a defusion of
governance. But I also observed a lot of more or less isolated groups
owning various topics. Or in  other words, it looks like an experiment
in online tribalism and oligarchy, with the various policy discussions
filling in for the League of Nations.

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