[WikiEN-l] Metapedia - worse than Conservapedia

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Thu Jul 26 02:21:05 UTC 2007

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen wrote:

>For all the folks who think they can make themselves appear more
>witty than they are, just by pointing out vandalism type articles on
>the site that are humourous., just stop it...
>We would not want to be judged on the vandalism on wikipedia
>/wikimedia projects, so making fun of the vandalism on another
>site is not very cool by any standard.
Generally, I agree that we should control ourselves, though a little 
more latitude on themailing list should be acceptable.

>So the best way to not be trolled (tm) by this site is to
>help them as best able we are, by telling them how to
>comply with GFDL, and let them either do the right thing
>and show it, or fail. and show that. Please do not prejudge.
>Compared to Conservapedia, I don't see them having any
>specific page attacking wikipedia in any shape or form...
Sounds like encouragement to apply NPOV to our attitudes as well as our 


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