[WikiEN-l] Article Rescue Squadron: Combat medics urgently needed

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sat Jul 14 16:55:51 UTC 2007

On 14/07/07, SJ <2.718281828 at gmail.com> wrote:

> We've renamed VfD this once, to get rid of the 'votes', since it
> shouldn't be about votes.  Perhaps it is time to get rid of the D,
> since it isn't really about deletion -- which involves an initial
> assumption of bad faith -- but about review: what is the author
> thinking?  If the author is really trying to convey useful information
> about an encyclopedic and notable subject (good faith), how can we
> help them improve their work / extract better information from them /
> guide them to reasonable style guidelines?   "Articles for Deletion"
> could be something related, very specific, and altogether different.

> It might be sensible to have a cleanly generalized "Articles for
> Review" page that decides what to do with articles that have trouble.
> Does it get pushed off to a subgroup, say via {{delete}} or
> {{cleanup}}?  perhaps there are niceties to be followed when deleting
> something -- check in with the main authors, decide whether or not to
> delete the talk page as well, archive as appropriate, update inbound
> links, doublecheck that the authors aren't serially doing something
> they shouldn't be.  This could go to an "articles for deletion"
> project -- at which point it is not about WHETHER to delete, but HOW.
>  Then it would make sense for the deletionists and people who care
> about keeping the encyclo clean to run that shop.




- d.

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