[WikiEN-l] FredBauder"clarifies"onattackkkkkkkkk site link policy

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Thu Jul 12 17:14:34 UTC 2007

Guy Chapman aka JzG wrote:

>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 08:38:18 -0500, Kurt Maxwell Weber wrote:
>>No, the solution is to ban links to content that attacks Wikipedia users, 
>>regardless of the site, and to leave links to other content alone, 
>>*regardless of the site*.
>You think.  Whereas other of us think that liking to a web forum that
>is comprised largely of harassment, attacks and outing is pretty much
>never appropriate.  No WR link is "safe" because WR threads can be
>added to at any time.
Just like any web site!  Bad sites can have good pages; good sites can 
have bad pages. Yawn!


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