[WikiEN-l] Fred Bauder"clarifies"on attack site link policy

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Mon Jul 9 19:07:27 UTC 2007

John Lee wrote:

>On 7/9/07, Guy Chapman aka JzG wrote:
>>On Mon, 9 Jul 2007 17:45:11 +0800, "John Lee" wrote:
>> That debate has been had in respect of this site, some time ago. It
>>is settled.  WR is not a reliable source, the marginal utility it has
>>in documenting some minor facets of self-referential issues is more
>>than outweighed by the problems of harassment and outing.  It may not
>>have been dickery to start the discussion, but to perpetuate it this
>>long certainly looks like it.
>Look, it's very obvious to all of us on the list that WR isn't a reliable
>source. What we're saying is that it isn't to others, and that threatening
>them with blocking isn't any greater an idea than threatening someone who
>cites Joe Bloggs' blog as a source with a block.
Yes. The debate isn't about the site; it's about taking a pragmatic 
approach in dealing with it.


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