[WikiEN-l] Outside view of adminship

Earle Martin wikipedia at downlode.org
Sun Feb 18 10:23:23 UTC 2007

Bearing in mind the nature of YouTube commenters
(http://xkcd.com/c202.html), here is a randomly-encountered opinion
from Some Internet Person about Wikipedia admins. I wonder how many
people share the misconceptions expressed below (strange vocabulary
not included - themes? Threads? Huh?).


Klyern   (1 day ago)
you dont know s**t about wikipedia

you have to rely ONLY on the posts created by mods. or ppl given power by mods.

mods give power to a lot of ppl one at a time, its like a piramid. but
it DOES works, its only that theres only so few mods yet and so few
THEMES being mod locked yet.

you can only sugest stuff in mod locked threads.


Earle Martin

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