[WikiEN-l] Interesting fact

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sun Dec 30 17:48:14 UTC 2007

On 30/12/2007, Nathan <nawrich at gmail.com> wrote:

> Not really a WikiEn topic, but the number of things gone 'horribly
> wrong' is only meaningful if you can compare it to the number of
> 'horribly wrong' things averted.

After many edits from CIA internet address ranges showed up on the
WikiScanner, a spokesman said, "I'd like in any case to underscore a
far larger and more significant point that no one should doubt or
forget: The CIA has a vital mission in protecting the United States,
and the focus of this agency is there, on that decisive work." When we
pointed out that CIA editors had in fact been concentrating on
querulous Buffy The Vampire Slayer trivia, he said he'd get back to

- d.

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