[WikiEN-l] Threats made on Wikipedia

Steve Summit scs at eskimo.com
Mon Dec 24 17:53:33 UTC 2007

Steve Bennett wrote:
> On 12/25/07, geni <geniice at gmail.com> wrote:
>> For maximum speed contact will tend to need to be made by the
>> first person in the right geographical area who is prepared to do so.
> I really don't like this idea. Surely we can elevate certain people to
> responsible positions. What is some school supposed to do when someone
> claiming to be acting on behalf of "Wikipedia" rings up?

I'm not sure it matters.  Presuming they can read a URL over
the phone (which, I agree, is not an ideal assumption), it makes
little difference whether they speak for Wikipedia, or claim to,
or not -- the threat on the cited webpage speaks for itself.

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