[WikiEN-l] On spelling conventions

Skyring skyring at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 22:01:39 UTC 2007

On Dec 21, 2007 12:25 PM, Andrew Gray <shimgray at gmail.com> wrote:

> I ran across this little anecdote today, buried in a biography of a moderately-unknown
> British general of the Second World War. It may
> amuse people, given the amount of time and stress we put into caring
> about The Correct Spellings and the equal amount of time and stress we
> put into caring about Not Antagonising People Over Them.
>  "Churchill failed to understand the delicate balancing act involved in
> running an Allied staff. Had he fully appreciated the complete fusion
> of staff and working relationships which Wilson had managed to achieve
> he would not have objected, as he did in one of the many telegrams he
> sent to Wilson, to the spelling of the word 'theater' rather than
> 'theatre' sent out from Allied Forces HQ."
>  - Michael Dewar
>  One can draw two morals from this:
>  a) If you get worked up over spelling differences, you're in good
> company, Churchill did too.
>  b) Even Churchill ought to have remembered when to keep quiet for the
> good of consensus, so nyah.
>  ;-)

And now we know the real reason why D-Day was 6/6/44...

>  --
Peter in Canberra

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