[WikiEN-l] Citizendium on quality

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 08:35:20 UTC 2007

On 20/12/2007, Sheldon Rampton <sheldon at prwatch.org> wrote:

> If I were running Citizendium, I would relax the user registration
> rules a little bit while still requiring user registration. I would
> also adopt a copyright scheme that allows Citizendium to freely copy
> over content from Wikipedia. I would then launch a campaign aimed at
> copying over the 100,000 best articles from Wikipedia and editing them
> to meet Citizendium's quality standards. Once that was completed, I
> would go for the next 100,000 articles, and so on until Citizendium
> had enough content to rival WIkipedia for actual usefulness, while
> also providing higher quality.

Except the first sentence, and that the editing happens on Wikipedia,
you just described Veropedia.

- d.

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