[WikiEN-l] Former Wikimedia employee was a felon.

Marc Riddell michaeldavid86 at comcast.net
Sun Dec 16 15:10:41 UTC 2007

> David Gerard schreef:
>>> You, Sarah or Linda or whatever the hell your name is, can keep well
>>> out of this. Just because I fucked over your little backdoors clique
>>> in the full light of day does not give you the right to follow me
>>> around chucking dung from the sidelines.
>> You'll be pleased to know I've just kicked Christiano from the list.
>> Play nice or go home, kids.

on 12/16/07 9:43 AM, Eugene van der Pijll at eugene at vanderpijll.nl wrote:
> I didn't need to see this message from Christiano, but his other
> messages weren't completely void of content (even if many people didn't
> like them).
Speaking just for me, Eugene, I don't care what the quality is, or has been,
of a person's content, that does not give them a free pass to so blatantly
disrespect another Community in such a foul-mouthed manner. There are many
others on this List, and in the Community, whose quality of input is equal,
or better, and who do not have to resort to such language. It is time we
started calling each other on this. The vast majority of the Community is
better than this.


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