[WikiEN-l] Remembering why we are here

G MZ solebaciato at googlemail.com
Sun Dec 16 09:46:10 UTC 2007

If people think that way Jimbo you only have yourself and those surrounding
you to blame. Whenever I have dared to point out any Wikipedia shortcoming
on the site I have been attacked by those closest to you immediately.  Is it
any wonder people now think the worst and go elsewhere with their


On Dec 16, 2007 4:00 AM, Jimmy Wales <jwales at wikia.com> wrote:

> Christiano Moreschi wrote:
> > Jimbo, don't look at me. Look at your staff/Board.
> Believe me, we are all taking a very hard look at everything.
> My point is not to blame you or to go into accusations or complaints of
> any kind.
> Here is what I am saying to the entire community:
> I am one of you.  I am here to work in my best efforts for the benefit
> of Wikipedia, for the benefit of our shared goal...
> As I have said for years: "Imagine a world in which every single person
> on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge.
> That's what we're doing."
> That's what we're doing.  You, me, all of us.
> If you ever hear of anything like this again, please do not make the
> "bad faith" assumption that it is being "hushed up".  Assume that I
> would be outraged if I knew, and come and tell me.
> I would really really appreciate it.
> --Jimbo
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