[WikiEN-l] Actual data on spoiler warning uses by the public

joshua.zelinsky at yale.edu joshua.zelinsky at yale.edu
Sun Dec 16 01:52:53 UTC 2007

Quoting Andrew Gray <shimgray at gmail.com>:

> On 16/12/2007, Peter Ansell <ansell.peter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > That's true. The sample size is very small. But considering that 
>> one argument
>> > made in favor of spoiler removal was that the spoiler-removal was 
>> favored by
>> > the public this preliminary data doesn't seem to back that up at 
>> all and if
>> > anything shows the other direction.
>> Is there anyway to avoid having always visible spoiler warnings, while
>> allowing users who care about such things to either set a preference
>> to collapse spoiler sections or to be able to set a user.css or
>> user.js function to hide those sections?
> The obvious problem is that we then move the debate into "should they
> default to on or off?", which will be no less acrimonious.
> (Consider: having them default to displaying the section, leaving
> spoiler warnings an "opt-in" method, means that the articles are going
> to look the same to a passing user as they would *with no spoiler
> warnings at all*. Hmm. Maybe if you had a "click here to hide spoilers
> in the rest of the article" button in the top of the page, and did
> some CSS show/hide trick with that... is that workable?)

This seems good, and if the template was well designed it could be put as a
small innocuous little thing that hovered near the editing options at the top.

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