[WikiEN-l] Former Wikimedia employee was a felon.

Nathan Awrich nawrich at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 03:43:47 UTC 2007

No one - no one - gets a position as a corporate officer with a felony
record including deaths, gunshot wounds, larceny, check kiting, etc.
No one. Not even for a convenience store, let alone a major world-wide
organization like Wikimedia. The fact that this information was not
disclosed to the community and the public is disturbing - the fact
that it was glossed over as if the question was inappropriate when it
was asked of Ms Devouard is far more disturbing, if its true the Board
was aware of the details.

On Dec 13, 2007 10:30 PM, George Herbert <george.herbert at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 13, 2007 7:12 PM, Avi <avi.wiki at gmail.com> wrote:
> > It depends on the company. For the companies I have worked for, a background
> > check including criminal record check is pretty much standard. Some even
> > require drug tests, and I work in the financial services industry where
> > there pretty much is no exposure to child care.
> My consulting company does background checks on everyone, and some of
> our customers do as well.
> Having a DUI conviction or arrest is not a disqualifier for an
> executive, financial, or technical job, usually.
> Not disclosing it would be grounds for termination if discovered, but
> that doesn't seem to apply here.
> --
> -george william herbert
> george.herbert at gmail.com
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