[WikiEN-l] Fwd: [Mediawiki-l] that awful <ref> syntax

Carl Beckhorn cbeckhorn at fastmail.fm
Thu Dec 13 03:43:34 UTC 2007

On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 08:30:46PM -0500, Aude wrote:
> The other user helping with this article is an academic expert.  So I wanted
> to make the references simple as could be and just did them like this
> <ref>Rotter (1954)</ref> or like this <ref>Millon (2004), p. 353</ref>  

Even simpler is to use Harvard referencing and use footnotes for 
parenthetical comments that belong in footnotes. For example, 


It's even possible to get the inline citations to link to the full 
reference, although it isn't completely implemented in that article yet.

- Carl

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