[WikiEN-l] One alternative

Zoney zoney.ie at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 23:32:28 UTC 2007

On 06/12/2007, Ken Arromdee <arromdee at rahul.net> wrote:
> Admins make decisions which affect the whole Wikipedia.  Replace 'contains
> a Z' with 'contains a BADSITE' or 'has a spoiler warning' or any other
> global change.
Some admins make those decisions. Not all admins are on Wikipedia every
waking hour, participating in every crisis, dispute, etc.

The problem with our decision-making across the board is that it involves
generally just a handful of editors who happen to be around (lets face it,
for major issues even an order of a hundred is not necessarily
representative - but we may be talking even just half a dozen!). There are
even rules to stop people spreading the word about discussions/disputes
underway! Why does anyone consider this a sane modus operandi?


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