[WikiEN-l] User honored by the Senate of Puerto Rico

Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman at spamcop.net
Wed Dec 5 10:01:48 UTC 2007

On Tue, 4 Dec 2007 14:39:34 -0600, "Charlotte Webb"
<charlottethewebb at gmail.com> wrote:

>And yet, the complete lack of interest in this thread offers a deeper
>glimpse into the mind of a mailing list junkie than do all those
>weekly drama-thons.

This is a no-win situation.  Either we all contribute to the noise
with signal-free "for he's a jolly good fellow" type posts, inna AOL
stylee, or we read it, nod, and move on.  For the record I think
it's great news, and should be celebrated somewhere - if anyone
wants propose a mass barnstar or something then I'll sign up - but I
did not see a call to action, so I did not act :-)

Guy (JzG)

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