[WikiEN-l] Missed Opportunities to have avoided the Durova Case

jayjg jayjg99 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 18:26:24 UTC 2007

On Dec 2, 2007 12:19 PM, Kwan Ting Chan <ktc at ktchan.info> wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-12-02 at 16:43 +0000, Guy Chapman aka JzG wrote:
> > Simpler still: she was as wrong in her interpretation of responses
> > as she was wrong about !!.  This requires no assumption of bad
> > faith, no guesswork, no additional hypotheses.
> >
> > That Durova's judgment was badly out is not in dispute; why look for
> > any other explanation?
> You can't just brush aside people desire to check there isn't another,
> the actually correct, explanation as sometimes god forbid what we're
> told isn't necessarily the truth.
> Convince people why the explanation given is the true one, and that that
> one isn't trying to hide something. Just brushing away queries is only
> going to lead to suspicions that something is being hidden and that they
> should try even harder to look for a different explanation.

The way these inquiries are traditionally done is that one submerges
the person being queried under water for a period of time; if they do
not drown, then they are a witch and are burned at the stake, whereas
if they do drown, it proves their innocence, and their souls go
straight up to heaven. Win-win!

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