[WikiEN-l] Arbiter involvement on the Durova affair

Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman at spamcop.net
Sat Dec 1 17:27:40 UTC 2007

On Sat, 1 Dec 2007 11:07:46 -0500, Anthony <wikimail at inbox.org>

>> In this case, it was necessary to publish the email only in order to
>> ensure that Durova was adequately humiliated.  You'll excuse me, I
>> hope, for finding that just ever so slightly distasteful.

>If that was the only reason it was done I'd find it distasteful too.
>Justified, but distasteful.  

See, I'd not find it justified either.

>In this case the publication of the email
>served at least one other purpose, though.  It served to bring to
>public light the existence of two secret mailing lists and gave us all
>at least a hint at the improper things which are occurring on those
>mailing lists.  

Well, kind of - the mailing lists had nothing like the purpose
represented, so actually what it did was to provide MOAR DRAMA
without shedding any actual light on anything whatsoever.

And it could have been done without publishing the actual contents
of the email; a proposal on evidence that "per email sent" a private
mailing list existed, would have served that purpose.

The continued misrepresentation of private as being synonymous with
secret is also a side effect of what Giano did.

>And, frankly, it's for that reason that some arb com
>members want to punish Giano.  Humiliating people who have made a
>mistake isn't the problem.  That's what the arb com does every day.

No, they want to punish Giano for rampant incivility continuing for
years at a stretch.

Guy (JzG)

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