[WikiEN-l] Colbert on WikiScanner

Jimmy Wales jwales at wikia.com
Thu Aug 23 00:23:19 UTC 2007

Ray Saintonge wrote:
> Daniel R. Tobias wrote:
>> Stephen Colbert did another of his ridicule jobs on Wikipedia, this 
>> time centered on WikiScanner, and how it's evil because it engages in 
>> "outing" of the online personas of... no, not individual Wikipedians, 
>> but corporations, which are people with rights too.  How dare that 
>> evil attack site expose that Exxon is creating an online personality 
>> in which it's a friend of the environment?
> My impression is that Colbert is actually pro-Wikipedia.  He'll make 
> mincemeat out of anyone who doesn't grasp his kind of humour.  When he 
> was on Jimbo showed himself able to roll with the punches.  By contrast 
> when Colbert asked Andrew (Cult of the Amateur) Keen what he thought of 
> Wikipedia, Keen appeared very uncomfortable. Keen's pomposity is easily 
> deflated.  Someone without a sense of humour that appears on Colbert 
> would do just as well to appear on Jerry Springer.

Yes, I talked to him backstage after the show.  He's a huge fan.  And a 
really nice guy.


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