[WikiEN-l] Times article (London)

Andrey yaroslavl at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 08:52:01 UTC 2007

"An early version of an entry in Wikipedia will be written by someone who
knows the subject, and later editors will dissipate whatever value is

This happens very often, particularly with good and featured articles. Many
outstanding pages have been eroded by anonymous know-it-alls
into utter uselessness once their main contributors left the project. Unless
we have content arbitration boards made up of professionals in any given
field, we are likely to see an increase in complaints and a decrease in a
number of knowledgable contributors.


On 8/16/07, Christiano Moreschi <moreschiwikiman at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article2267665.ece
> Stable versions would help with answering some of that criticism. Plenty
> of
> what he says is fair enough, IMO, particularly the point about the loudest
> voices winning purely by virtue of obnoxious trolling.
> C More schi
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