[WikiEN-l] The Second Rape: Victim-Blaming (was Re: Self-sensorship, how far should it go?)

Bryan Derksen bryan.derksen at shaw.ca
Thu Aug 2 04:10:43 UTC 2007

Tony Sidaway wrote:
> I think that sums up my feelings on this matter, too.  I just cannot
> understand why Slim Virgin is being described as "a net detriment to
> the project" on account of attacks that are made by *her* by people we
> all recognise as either severely unbalanced or having an axe to grind.
>  It quite disturbing.

It's not SlimVirgin herself that I consider a net detriment, it's all
this effort to suppress discussion of her. If she herself is not
involved in that (and I'm led to believe that she's not) then I've got
no beef at all with her on this matter.

BTW, first there was a comparison to appeasing the Nazis, now we've got
a comparison to rape. This is a bit over the top, IMO.

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