[WikiEN-l] Self-sensorship, how far should it go?

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Wed Aug 1 19:41:45 UTC 2007

On 8/1/07, jayjg <jayjg99 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/1/07, Anthony <wikimail at inbox.org> wrote:
> > What would make the most sense is if Sarah just switched to a new
> > account.  Her hope for remaining pseudonymous using User:SlimVirgin is
> > quickly dwindling to nil, and the vain attempts to change this
> > situation are doing nothing but cause problems for the project.
> I don't see any good coming from giving into trolls and stalkers. The
> fact that a bunch of disgruntled, mostly banned ex-Wikipedians like to
> spin conspiracy theories, and occasionally disrupt Wikipedia, should
> simply be ignored. Not discussed on Wikipedia, not discussed here,
> just ignored.
The good is that Sarah can once again contribute pseudonymously, at
least until she's outed again (which could take long or short
depending on how carefully she edits this time around).

On the other hand, if you want to ignore it, then ignore it.  Stop
oversighting things, stop banning links to websites simply because
they provide the information, stop deleting comments which in good
faith ask questions about it, stop contributing to this thread.
Ignoring it of course means giving in as well, because if you ignore
it all the private details are going to come out.  Various people at
Wikipedia Review have already reconstructed pretty much all of the
edits that were oversighted.  Archive.org contains much of the rest.
User:SlimVirgin is outed.  That's the reality of the situation.  You
can call the people anything you want, but calling people names
doesn't change reality.

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