[WikiEN-l] Why aren't *all* wikia.com links restricted under nofollow?

Blu Aardvark jeffrey.latham at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 20:16:37 UTC 2007

Joe Szilagyi wrote:
> On 4/30/07, Phil Sandifer <Snowspinner at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Simple: promoting free knowledge.
>> Wikia is a free content resource, and it is in our ethical interests
>> to do what we can to help foster quality free content.
> If it's that simple and black and white, why isn't Citizendium on the
> Interwiki map, or other things which could be seen as direct competitors to
> Wikia?
> Seriously: Citizendium is curiously absent, yet crap like
> http://c2.com/cgi/wiki is included?
Wiki is notable for being among the first, if not the first, wiki in 
existence. It's included in the default interwiki map for Mediawiki, and 
I would presume most other wiki software.

Beyond that, I would assume that Citizendium is absent because it has 
not been proposed on [[meta:Talk:Interwiki map]]. It'd probably be 
fairly simple to get it added.

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